Achieving Balance: A Reflection on Becoming a Partner While Raising a Family

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21 Jul 2024

We recently spoke to a contact who has recently made Partner at a leading regional professional services firm, to reflect on their career strategy and journey to becoming a partner.

I recently achieved a milestone that has been my career aspiration for some time: being made Partner at my regional professional services firm. This achievement, however, is not just about reaching a professional goal; it's a testament to the journey I embarked on to find balance between my career ambitions and raising a young family.

Several years ago, I made a deliberate decision to move to my current firm, seeking a firm that aligned better with my personal and professional aspirations. I wanted a firm that understood the importance of work-life balance and would support me in my dual roles as a dedicated employee and a committed mother.

My firm is progressive and family-focused, creating an environment where people can excel and thrive while feeling genuinely cared for. This ethos is reflected in our high staff retention rate. It speaks volumes about the firm's culture and its commitment to employees' well-being.

One of the most significant aspects of my journey has been the ability to grow professionally while maintaining a four-day week and working from home. This balance was achieved by clearly understanding my goals and investing time in finding a firm that was the right fit. There was a point in time when I thought it wouldn’t be possible to maintain a four-day week and become a senior leader.

This model of real flexibility and choice applies to everyone, from Partners to junior staff. It's not just lip service; it's a lived reality that has enabled me to achieve my professional goals without sacrificing my family life.

Reflecting on my journey, there are a few pieces of advice I would give to my younger self, knowing what I know now:

1. Don't Be Afraid to Push for Progress

Be clear about what you want from your career and have the confidence to pursue it. It's natural to fear the unknown, but stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for growth.

2. Move Around to Grow

Building experience and knowledge often requires making strategic career moves. Each new role helps you become a more rounded professional and clarifies your ultimate career goals.

3. Have Confidence in Your Abilities

Believe in yourself and your skills. Confidence is key to pushing boundaries and achieving your ambitions.

4. Enjoy What You Do and Who You Work For

Loving your work and your workplace makes all the difference. Passion and a positive environment are vital to long-term success and satisfaction. If you aren’t happy, go and discover somewhere that will provide you with this.

5. Balance Realism and Ambition

Success requires hard work and dedication. Be prepared to put in the effort and hours needed to reach your goals. Remember, nothing worth having comes easy.

Achieving my career goal of becoming a Partner while raising a family has been an incredible journey, made possible by a firm that truly values flexibility and work-life balance. I am proud of what I've accomplished and grateful for the support that has allowed me to thrive both professionally and personally.

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